Monday, March 15, 2010

Rare Photos Of Famous People

Here are some rare photos of some famous people, you are going to love them !

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog.
    I surfed here from and now i've been sitting here and look at pictures for several hours now and i can't stop.
    It's realy great and i can't even emagening how much work it is to collect all this absolutly breathtaking collection of awesome photos and how many hours you have to spend doing it.

    < nag >
    Most of the photos speak for them self
    But it would be even better with some aditional text under the pictures sometimes.
    This blogpost would have been realy great instead of good with the names under each photo for example.
    Youre blog is spread world wide and you're local celebreties might deserve some presentation for us. :-)
    There is a few more posts that could need that sort of improvment but not many.
    No need to edit old published posts but maby you cold think of it in the future.
    < /nag > :-)

    But don't change anything else. Your blog is almost perfect as it is.

    Keep up the good work and live well.

    Sorry for the engrish. I have no spell check in english.
    Best of love from Sweden and tnx for all the amazing photos
